Setting Up Instance (Pterodactyl Panel - Standalone)

N.B. It is recommended that you read the docs. The method below is an installation script that automates the installation of Pterodactyl and is not supported by Pterodactyl Panel.

Pterodactyl Panel Docs -

Pterodactyl has two main services that get installed to run, Pterodactyl Panel and Pterodactyl Wings. Panel is the web GUI for the service and is what the user will be interacting with to execute tasks. Wings is a way for the computer that you want the server to run on to communicate with the panel. Other services :

  • MariaDB/MySQL - This is a relational database that is responsible for data storage for use by the panel

  • Redis - Redis is a caching solution to enable quick data queries

  • Nginx - Used as a webserver

  • CertBot - SSL certificate generation

  • PHP - For the Panel

Installation Script

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